We are open Monday, January 20 – Martin Luther King Jr Day.

City of Bellevue Solid Waste

Important Updates:

Yard Waste season is April 1 to NOVEMBER 30, 2024

Beginning December 2, 2024 you may use your brown cart for landfill trash.  During the winter months please fully utilize both your blue and brown carts and do not leave items outside of your carts.  We are unable to pick up items left outside of the cart unless prior arrangements have been made.  Please contact us at 402-346-7800 if you have questions.



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Never miss trash day again!

Our web widget and downloadable app lets you check your schedule anytime, anywhere. Just type in your address below to get your service schedule. When you download the app, you can even set reminders to put out your trash or recycling.

Not sure how to dispose of an item? Use the Waste Wizard feature to find out how to properly dispose of all kinds of
household items.

Recycling Guide

City of Bellevue service includes weekly recycling pick-up.

Downloadable Recycling Guide PDF

What can go in my recycling cart?

The following materials can be recycled in your green recycling cart:


(Please do flatten all cardboard boxes. No need to remove paper clips, stamps, address labels, staples, tape, wire, metal fasteners, rubber bands, spiral bindings or plastic tabs.)

  • Blueprints
  • Catalogs, brochures, magazines and envelopes
  • Corrugated cardboard and paper bags
  • File folders
  • Frozen food packages
  • Paperback books
  • Newspapers and inserts (no bags)
  • Opened mail and greeting cards
  • Paperboard boxes
  • Paper egg cartons
  • Paper milk or juice cartons
  • Paper ream wrappers
  • Phone books
  • White and pastel office paper

(Please do not flatten plastic containers. Empty and rinse all plastic materials.)

All plastics #1–7 are accepted. (Identify plastic type by looking for the recycling symbol paired with a number at the bottom of the container.) Please remove plastic bottle lids and put them in the recycling cart separately.  Please do not include #7 PLA compostables.


(Please do not flatten metal containers. Empty and rinse all metal materials.)

  • Cans
  • Empty aerosol cans
  • Loose metal jar lids
  • Pie plates and other formed aluminum containers
  • Steel bottle caps

Should I bag my recycling?

No. Plastic bags cannot be recycled.  Recyclables should be rinsed and placed directly in your recycling cart.

What can go in the Hefty® ReNew™ Orange Bags?

Snack bags, pudding cups, candy wrappers, pet food bags, Styrofoam®, plastic ware and all other non-recyclable bags can be converted to energy using Hefty® Renew™ orange bags. Simply place these items in your Hefty® Renew™ orange bag, tie it shut and put it in your recycling cart.  Bags may by purchased from Papillion Sanitation or at several local grocery stores.

Do I need to sort my recycling?

No. We use single stream sorting, so no separation of materials is necessary.

Do I need to rinse out my recycling?

Yes. Please rinse bottles, cans, jugs and cartons before recycling.

What CAN’T be recycled?

The following materials should be kept out of your recycling cart to avoid contaminating your recycling:

  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Drinking glasses
  • Hazardous or bio-hazardous waste
  • Mirrors, light bulbs, ceramics and Pyrex®
  • Needles and syringes
  • Plastic bags and tops, microwave trays and six-pack holders
  • Plastics other than #1–7
  • Scrap metal
  • Stickers and address label sheets
  • Styrofoam® or other takeout paper containers
  • Tissues, paper towels and napkins
  • Waxed paper and waxed cardboard
  • Window glass
  • Fireworks


Recycling containers for glass are at the following locations:

  1. Bellevue Fire Station District 3 – 9400 S 36th St.
  2. River City Recycling – 60th and Harrison
  3. Super Saver – 144th and Millard Ave.
  4. Glassman Recycling – curbside pick up for a fee.  402-578-4204.

Yard Waste Guide

When does yard waste season start?

Yard waste season begins the week of  April 1, 2025.

What is considered yard waste?

Yard waste is defined as leaves, lawn clippings, prunings, weeds, dead plant material, and twigs less than one inch in diameter that fit within the customer’s cart.

What do I do with bundles of branches?

Branches are considered landfilled trash as they cannot be composted. If you wish to landfill your branches, they must fit in your landfilled trash cart with the lid closed. The best option for branches is to utilize the City of Bellevue’s FREE TREE DUMP located at the gated entrance just north of 8902 Cedar Island Road, intersecting at Rose Lane, in Bellevue. The FREE TREE DUMP is open the last Saturday of every month from 8 a.m.–12 p.m. Limbs and branches collected at this site are mulched for reuse at public parks and schools.

Is there a limit to how much yard waste will be picked up?

Yard waste should be placed in your brown yard waste cart.  Please do not overfill.  The lid needs to close to prevent spillage when dumping the cart.  Yard waste that does not fit in the cart may also be placed in brown bio bags and placed outside of the cart.  There is no limit to the number of bio bags that will be picked up.  However, the brown yard waste cart must also be placed curbside so that the driver can place the bags in the cart to lift into the truck.

Trash Guide

We will pick up most household trash that will fit inside the blue landfill trash container. We DO NOT take the following items:

Paint – Solvents – Motor Oil – Appliances – Antifreeze – Car Batteries – Tires

If I have an extra bag of trash, can I place it next to my cart for pickup?

The collection trucks are only able to handle items placed in your cart. If you have additional items that do not fit into your cart, contact Papillion Sanitation at 402-346-7800.

How do I dispose of something like a couch or mattress?

A large item curbside pickup may be scheduled with Papillion Sanitation for a fee. Two FREE bulk curbside pickups (of items not exceeding 60 pounds and 4 x 2 feet) are allowed per year; these can also be scheduled with Papillion Sanitation. The City will hold two annual cleanups where oversize or bulky items may also be taken for disposal at no additional fee.

Want to haul it yourself? Sarpy County Transfer Station is located at 14414 S 156th St.  Call 402) 253-2371 for hours and pricing.


If you have bulky items, brush or just excess trash that you want to dispose of yourself, Sarpy County Transfer Station is located at 14414 S 156th Street.  Call 402-253-2371 for hours and pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are my options for carts?

The City of Bellevue solid waste program provides residents with three carts.  A BLUE one for the disposal of landfill trash, a GREEN one for recycling, and a BROWN one for yard waste.  You have the option of three sizes of containers.  Pricing is based on the size of landfill trash cart selected.  You have the option of choosing 35 gallon, 65 gallon, or 95 gallon carts, which are provided by Papillion Sanitation as part of the service.  You are not required to receive a recycling or compostable yard waste cart, however, these carts are included with the price of the landfill trash cart.  You can select any combination of cart sizes that fit your waste generation needs. The fee that you pay is based only on the sie of the landfill trash cart.  For pricing and to select carts, please call Papillion Sanitation at 402-346-7800 or email OLP3050@wasteconnections.com.

What if I want more than three carts?

Additional carts may be obtained from Papillion Sanitation for an additional monthly fee.

Can I use my own trash cans?

No. Residents may only use carts provided by Papillion Sanitation due to the use of automated trucks for collection. The mechanism for lifting the carts only works properly with the carts provided.

How do I report service issues?

Papillion Sanitation will continue to be the hauler for the City of Bellevue, and all questions or concerns about service may be emailed to OLPPapillion@WasteConnections.com or be directed to Customer Service at 402-346-7800.

Will I continue to be billed through my MUD bill?


How will I know what day my service is?

Residents may use the WasteConnect app on this website or download the app to a mobile device.  Simply type in your address to find your collection schedule.

Where should I put my cart for collection?

Carts should be placed at the curb the night before or by 7:00 a.m. on your service day. Carts should be kept four feet away from any poles and/or mailboxes and spaced two feet from your other carts. Lids on all carts must be completely closed in order to prevent any items from falling out or blowing out of the cart(s).

Disabled customers may request walk-up service. A request form is available from Papillion Sanitation.

What if my cart is lost, stolen or damaged?

If your landfilled trash cart is lost, stolen or damaged, please contact Papillion Sanitation at 402-346-7800 to arrange replacement.

What happens to the cart if I move?

Prior to your move, contact Papillion Sanitation to stop your service. Your carts should be left at the residence upon your departure for pick up by Papillion Sanitation.

I just moved to Bellevue. How do I get started?

If you are a new resident to Bellevue, call Papillion Sanitation at 402-346-7800 to request your carts.

What do I put in each color of cart?

The blue cart is labeled “Landfilled Trash”  and is for all household trash that will fit in the cart with the lid closed.  We do NOT pick up paint, solvents, motor oil, appliances, antifreeze, car batteries, or tires.

The green cart is for recyclables.  Please see the large imprint on the lid or view the recycling section of this site to understand what is recyclable.

The brown cart is for yard waste.  Yard waste season runs April 1 through November 30. The brown compostable yard waste cart can be used for landfilled trash from December 1 through March 31.

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